Digitization of the library collection and documents of the institutions of the Central Bohemian Region
The Central Bohemian Scientific Library in Kladno was originally founded in 1897 as a federal library called the People’s Library in Kladno. Its seat is the former District House from 1910 – a building monument, which after a recent reconstruction of the interior provides space for modern library and information services and a pleasant environment for visitors. The library’s collection is universal, consisting of books, magazines, newspapers, maps, sound media and other documents, mainly of Czech provenance, and occasionally also foreign-language literature published abroad. At present, the library collection contains over 720 thousand library units.
More info: www.svkkl.cz/en
Develop a project for scanning and digitization of library collection and documents related to the Central Bohemia Region, including processing of metadata and bibliographic data according to the standards of the National Library.
In 2013 and 2014 we cooperated as a subcontractor with Konica Minolta Business Solutions Czech, spol. s r.o. on the project Delivery of digitization services for library collections and documents related to the Central Bohemia Region.
Digitization of the library collection was carried out in our DigiCentre on 4DigitalBooks book scanners (robotic DL-MINI-I, semi-automatic Scan2Page) and ColorTrac scanner (Smart Lf). Metadata and bibliographic data were processed according to National Library standards. Scanning of documents was performed on Kodak Alaris document scanners.
The digitized library collection is available to visitors of the Central Bohemian Research Library in Kladno through the Kramerius digital library. All digitized data are stored in the regional digital unit of the Central Bohemia Region.