Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre is a central body of state administration, abbreviated as ČÚZK. It was established by Act No. 359/1992 Coll., on Surveying and Cadastral Authorities. The ČÚZK is based in Prague and is headed by a chairman who is appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Czech Republic. The ČÚZK has its own budget and is directly subordinate to the Government, in which it is represented by the Minister of Agriculture. The main work of the ČÚZK, or the bodies managed by it, is to ensure state administration in the field of real estate registration and property rights to real estate, which is represented by the Real Estate Cadastre of the Czech Republic and surveying activities in the public interest.
More info: www.cuzk.cz
To meet the need for efficient and uniform processing of large volumes of documents, ČZUK decided to equip its workplaces with the same scanning technology.
In 2014, we started cooperation with ČÚZK for the delivery and service of Kodak Alaris scanning technologies for all cadastral offices in the Czech Republic. With increasing processing demands and the development of new applications, we then replaced the existing scanners with the new Kodak Alaris i3200 and S2050 series in 2019. The delivery also included Kodak Capture Pro scanning software, including the required customizations.
All offices use the same technology and unified output document and data format, which significantly contributes to greater efficiency and better service to clients.