Personnel files digitization
Siemens, s.r.o. is one of the largest technology companies in the Czech Republic and has been an integral part of Czech industry for more than 130 years. The company’s portfolio covers solutions for industry, energy, transport and public infrastructure, building technology and healthcare. Siemens is a pioneer in Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities, where it delivers comprehensive digital products and services.
Project of digitization and extraction of defined data from personnel files and creation of import batches in defined structures for import into the customer’s database system.
During the project development in 2016, due to the nature of the documentation, it was necessary to ensure the strictest possible security measures during transport from 8 locations across the Czech Republic. During the processing of the documentation, all the security of personal data capture rules were observed in accordance with the requirements of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data and ISO 27001.
Scanning was carried out on Kodak Alaris flatbed A3 scanners, with Kodak Capture Pro scanning application. For indexing we used our own application ScanIndex.
The HR agenda in digital format allows instant access to employee data and provides the HR department with a powerful data management tool.
Used applications and hardware
- Kodak Capture Pro
- ScanLog
- ScanIndex
- Kodak Alaris