Processing of structured documents
Česká pošta, s.p., is a state enterprise operating postal services in the Czech Republic and, with approximately 31,000 employees, the second largest Czech company by number of employees. Czech Post was established in 1993 at the same time as the Czech Republic became independent. However, its roots date back to the First Republic, when the new state was building its own infrastructure.
More info: www.ceskaposta.cz/index
„Working with people in the right place is always a guarantee of success. scanservice a.s. has been providing digitization solutions for processing postal monetary transactions and several other agendas for many years, and I can confirm our complete satisfaction.“ Antonín Ambrož, Manažer útvaru Provoz peněžních služeb, Česká pošta, a.s.
Development of a project to implement and support a solution for the daily processing of several types of structured documents, including all payment orders.
We delivered to the Czech Post the latest version of the eFLOW digitization platform for processing structured documents, including the use of our own applications. The solution also includes Kodak Alaris scanning workstations. We are currently providing service support for the supplied software solution and hardware equipment.
Fast and efficient processing of payment orders, court and collector agency mail.