KODAK Scan Station 730EX Plus
Recommended Daily Volume: 6000 pages
Supported formats (Maximum): A4
ADF Capacity: 75 sheets
Max. Output Resolution: 600 dpi
Flatbed: External accessory
Integrated A4 flatbed: Ne
Flatbed accessories ready to connect: A3
Duplex Mode: Yes
Scanning speed 300dpi (b/w, grayscale, A4): 60 ppm
Scanning speed 300dpi (color, A4): 60 ppm
Category: Desktop
Interface: USB 3.2, Wireless 802.11 a 10/100 ETHERNET
Network/wifi: Ethernet
More infromation: Network scanner with an intergrated touchscreen and computer. Based on Windows 10 IoT LTS.
Product sheet
ENG: Download
For more information visit Kodak Alaris.